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The Power of Amazon Retargeting: Capturing Lost Sales on Amazon and Establishing a Clear Loyalty Loop

Amazon is more than just an e-commerce behemoth; it’s a bustling digital marketplace where millions of products vie for the attention of consumers daily. Amid this intense competition, even with a stellar product and a well-crafted ad, it’s a reality that not every potential customer will convert on their first visit. 

But what if you could get a second chance to woo those who slipped away? Enter retargeting—a powerful strategy that serves as your brand’s reminder, enticing visitors back and increasing the likelihood of conversion. If the idea of recapturing lost sales intrigues you, journey with us as we delve into the magic of Amazon retargeting.


Understanding Retargeting


What is Retargeting?

Retargeting, often also known as remarketing, is a digital advertising strategy that targets users who have previously interacted with your brand, product, or service online but didn’t convert. The primary goal? To bring them back and nudge them towards making a purchase or another desired action.


How it works:

Imagine browsing a pair of shoes on Amazon but deciding not to buy them right away. Soon after, while scrolling through a news site or social media, you see an ad for that very pair. That’s retargeting in action! This is achieved through the use of cookies and pixel tags that track users’ online behavior, allowing advertisers to display targeted ads to a specific audience segment.

Why Customers Might Not Convert on the First Visit:

  • Distractions: The online world is rife with distractions. A customer might be seconds away from hitting ‘buy’ when a text message, a phone call, or another notification pulls them away.
  • Research Phase: Many shoppers use Amazon as a research tool, comparing products before making a decision.
  • Price Concerns: Potential buyers might be waiting for a sale, a discount, or simply mulling over the price before making a commitment.
  • Brand Rapport: Especially for new brands, it might take a user more than one interaction before they trust enough to purchase.


Given these challenges, it’s clear that a single engagement often isn’t enough. Retargeting serves as a gentle reminder, reinforcing the product’s value proposition and addressing potential concerns, ensuring your brand remains top-of-mind for consumers even after they leave Amazon.

Related: Also check out our cross-platform strategies with Meta Ads.


Benefits of Amazon Retargeting

Retargeting on Amazon isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a strategic approach that offers tangible benefits for brands and advertisers. Let’s explore the key advantages:

  • Increased Conversions and ROI: The primary aim of retargeting is to recapture potential sales, and it does this with remarkable efficiency. By targeting users who have already shown interest in your product or brand, you’re reaching out to an audience that’s more inclined to convert. The result? A noticeable uptick in conversions, leading to a higher return on investment for your advertising dollars. Check out our Amazon case study 2 here how we increased conversions and ROI.
  • Building Brand Recall: In a marketplace teeming with choices, brand recall is invaluable. Retargeting ensures that your brand stays at the forefront of the consumer’s mind. The repeated exposure through retargeted ads enhances brand recognition, making it more likely that the consumer chooses your product when they’re ready to purchase.
  • Engaging with a More Qualified Audience: Retargeting inherently targets an audience segment that’s already interacted with your brand. This means you’re not casting a wide net and hoping for the best. Instead, you’re zeroing in on users who’ve demonstrated clear interest, ensuring that your advertising efforts are focused, relevant, and more likely to yield results.
  • Reducing Cart Abandonment: A significant portion of users add products to their cart but don’t follow through with a purchase. Retargeting can remind these users of their unfinished transactions, enticing them back with personalized ads or special offers. This directly addresses and reduces the rate of cart abandonment.
  • Enhancing Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): While retargeting is often associated with winning new sales, it’s equally potent for engaging existing customers. By showcasing new products or exclusive deals, you can encourage repeat purchases, enhancing the overall value a customer brings to your brand over time.


Embracing retargeting on Amazon is more than just a tactical move; it’s a strategic decision that can elevate your brand’s presence, drive sales, and enhance customer engagement in the long run.


Amazon Retargeting Strategies

Harnessing the power of retargeting on Amazon demands a strategic approach. Here are actionable strategies to make your retargeting campaigns more effective:

  • Segmenting Your Audience: All past visitors to your product listings aren’t the same, and treating them as a homogenous group is a missed opportunity. Segment your audience based on their behavior:
    • Window Shoppers: Those who viewed your product but didn’t engage much.
    • Engaged Shoppers: Visitors who read reviews, checked out product details, but didn’t add to cart.
    • Cart Abandoners: Those who added the product to cart but didn’t purchase. 
  • Crafting Compelling Ad Creatives: Retargeted users are already familiar with your product, so use this opportunity to highlight different features, benefits, or offers. Experiment with:
    • User Testimonials: Showcase real user feedback or ratings.
    • Special Offers: Entice users with limited-time discounts or deals.
    • Product USPs: Emphasize a unique selling proposition they might’ve missed during their first visit.
  • Optimizing Retargeting Frequency: It’s essential to strike a balance. Too few retargeting ads, and you might be forgotten. Too many, and you risk annoying potential customers. Monitor user engagement and adjust the frequency of your retargeting ads accordingly to ensure they’re effective without being intrusive.
  • Leveraging Amazon DSP (Demand Side Platform): Amazon’s DSP allows advertisers to buy display and video ads programmatically, targeting users both on and off Amazon. With DSP, you can:
    • Reach a Broader Audience: Go beyond Amazon’s ecosystem and target users on other websites, apps, and platforms.
    • Utilize Rich Data: Amazon’s extensive user data can be harnessed to create highly targeted retargeting campaigns.
    • Dynamic Creatives: Use dynamic ads that automatically adjust based on user behavior, ensuring that the right message reaches the right user.


Related: Learn how Amazon Storefronts’ data reporting can enhance ad strategies makes sense here


Executing these strategies requires a mix of creativity, data-driven insights, and a deep understanding of your target audience’s behavior. But when done right, they can significantly amplify the power of your Amazon retargeting campaigns, ensuring that you recapture lost sales and stay top-of-mind with potential customers.


Tips for Effective Retargeting

Retargeting, while powerful, requires precision and understanding to be effective. Here are some tried-and-true tips to enhance the efficiency of your Amazon retargeting campaigns:

  • Personalize Ads Based on User Activity: The more tailored an ad, the higher the likelihood of it resonating. Use the data available to create ads that reflect the user’s interaction with your product. Did they look at a specific color of a product? Highlight that. Did they browse multiple related items? Showcase a bundle offer.
  • Offering Special Deals or Promotions: One of the biggest draws for retargeting is offering something enticing. This could be:
    • Discounts: A small percentage off might be the nudge a potential customer needs.
    • Exclusive Offers: Create a sense of exclusivity with offers that are only available to those who’ve engaged with your product previously.
  • Monitor and Adjust Campaigns Regularly: Retargeting isn’t a “set it and forget it” strategy. Regularly check how your ads are performing. Are users engaging? If not, it might be time for a tweak. This could be in terms of design, copy, or even the offer itself.
  • A/B Testing to Find the Most Effective Approach: What works for one segment of your audience might not work for another. Continually test different versions of your ads (different images, bullet points, A+ content) to determine what resonates most with your audience. Over time, this helps refine your strategy, ensuring that every ad dollar is used effectively.
  • Set a Conversion Window: How long after a user visits your Amazon listing should they be targeted? A day? A week? A month? Setting an appropriate conversion window ensures that you’re reaching out to users while your product is still fresh in their minds.
  • Use Frequency Capping: Ensure that your retargeted ads aren’t overwhelming users. Setting a limit on how often a user sees your ad in a given period can prevent ad fatigue and potential annoyance.
  • Ensure Cohesiveness: Your retargeted ads should feel like a natural extension of your brand. Ensure that the design, tone, and messaging align with your overall brand identity. Cohesiveness builds trust, and trust is paramount in converting a potential customer.


Incorporating these tips into your retargeting strategy can make the difference between an ad that’s simply seen and an ad that compels action. By being strategic, data-driven, and always keeping the user experience in mind, you can maximize the potential of your retargeting campaigns on Amazon.



Navigating the vast e-commerce landscape of Amazon requires more than just putting up products and hoping they sell. With so many options available to consumers, it’s easy for your brand to be overlooked or forgotten after an initial interaction. That’s where the power of retargeting steps in, bridging the gap between initial interest and final conversion. Implementing an effective retargeting strategy is like having a second, third, or even fourth chance at making a lasting impression and securing a sale.

If all this information feels overwhelming, or if you’re unsure where to begin with your retargeting strategy, we’re here to help. Our expertise in Amazon advertising and our keen understanding of retargeting dynamics ensure that your brand doesn’t just participate but thrives on the platform.

Ready to recapture lost sales and amplify your Amazon presence? Let’s talk. Book a discovery call with us today and let’s chart a path to your sustained Amazon growth.

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